Dyslexia Treatment For Kids And Adults
Adults and kids with dyslexia typically exhibit normal levels of intelligence, but require additional reading support. That happens because dyslexia causes children and adults to experience difficulty learning to interpret letters and words. There are three types of reading difficulties attributed to dyslexia. They include:
Reading Difficulties Attributeted To Dyslexia
- Phonological Dyslexia is defined as having trouble decoding or assembling words based on their sounds
- Speed and Naming Dyslexia is defined as slow reading or poor use of sight words
- Comprehension Dyslexia is defined as having a poor understanding of what is read
The key to managing dyslexia is identifying it as early as possible and finding appropriate dyslexia treatments. Common signs of dyslexia in children, include:
Signs Of Dyslexia In kids
- Difficulty processing and understanding what one hears
- Difficulty creating or remembering sequences
- Difficulty identifying similarities and differences between letters and words
- Difficulty sounding out and pronouncing unfamiliar words
Common Signs Of Dyslexia In Adults
- Difficulty with reading and math
- Difficulty spelling and memorizing
- Difficulty reading fluently
- Difficulty with word and name pronunciation
Tools To treatments Dyslexia
Dyslexia treatments and reading tools are plentiful. These tools can support and encourage good reading and comprehension skills. ClaroPDF reads PDF documents aloud. It even highlights text allowing the user to connect words visually and audibly. The Speller App allows users to spell words aloud phonetically and identifies their correct spelling. Learning Ally is a large collection of audio books that also syncs the spoken text to the written text to promote vocabulary recognition. Additionally, State of Writing is a wonderful resource for teaching grammar and punctuation in an easy- to-learn, easy-to-grasp format.
In addition to the apps listed above, there are everyday dyslexia treatment measures that can be taken to help readers improve their reading skills. Children and adults can work with reading specialists and implement reading intervention programs to learn to correctly sound out letters and words, read with greater fluency, and master higher levels of reading comprehension. These and other dyslexia treatments can help transform reading from a chore to a pleasure.